
After a busy weekend and a busy start to the week, I find myself ‘a little behind the curve’ and I feel like I’m muddling through some tasks. Multi-tasking is a recipe for disaster, even when I am on my own with no distractions but,  when I am constantly being interrupted, I start to make mistakes!

I sent the same email to 2 different clients, at the same time, because I was working on 2 proposals and I was constantly being bombarded, with questions, by one of the kids who wanted to go mountain biking and was using me as a sounding board. I should have just stopped doing what I was doing, but I didn’t. He must have felt like I didn’t listen to him and the email went to 2 people who didn’t even know each other, so I didn’t do either thing right.

I spent the next 20 minutes undoing what I had done! Fortunately, no one got hurt and it was resolved without too many back tracks and apologies.

I can really appreciate when people tell me that they are up against it and feeling like they are drowning in tasks, with no time to spare. From one task to the next, without a breath of fresh air or time to reflect and process the last 5 minutes, let alone the last hour. I find it tough enough coping when I have a few things on my ‘to do list’.

I suppose we all need some pressure, but I really don’t like things building up, gathering in size and speeding up towards a deadline. I even get agitated if I am trying to pull a project together and have to wait for other people to get back to me, it sends me crazy! Fortunately, I have people around me that understand my need for action and sometimes I need someone like my business partner, who is more relaxed, to put things into perspective for me and calm me down.

So, it’s now coming to the end of my working day and I am going to read a bit of my book, do some housework, the dog chews everything when he gets bored and gets no attention, and ease into the evening, knowing that a ‘drama’ will unfold this evening at some point.

Some tips, I could do with applying myself:

  • Take small breaks
  • Expect the best but, prepare for the worst
  • Focus when you need to get stuff done
  • Say “Not now” if you are knee deep in the ‘muck and bullets’ of life
  • Check twice before you press send 😀
  • Prioritise a task, see it through (as far as you can) and be patient with others as they have stuff going on as well.

Have another great week.

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