
Sir Mo Farah officially finished his professional running career yesterday. Watching him run the Great North Run, for the last time, was inspiring. He looked so comfortable and, even though he didn’t win the race, he finished on a high.

During his post race interview he mentioned how running had given him so much in his life and that, without it, his life would have been so different. I know he didn’t have the best start to his life but he has certainly made the most of his skill and talent. He has showed that with hard work and continued effort, you can achieve great things.

I wonder how many people, who had an amazing start in life, but, due to the lack of determination and work ethic, have ended up with nothing! Making poor choices, not learning from mistakes and not taking responsibility for solutions seems like an easier route, but this does come at a cost.

There have been times in my life when I’ve been that person. Moaning about how ‘unlucky’ I am and “It always happens to me” but doing nothing to resolve things! It soon becomes very obvious that, if you don’t change the things you do, you will nearly always get the same result! It’s at this point where lives normally change, results and outcomes improve and ‘luck’ appears.

I was speaking to the lads on the coach ride to ‘the races’ on Saturday, and it was nice to hear updates on how everyone was doing. We discussed the challenges of cultural ‘age group’ differences and how we have adapted our ways over the years, we talked about our families, jobs and future plans and then spent the day throwing our money down the drain, well almost!

The thing is that I nearly didn’t go, because I could have done something more productive, and, I’m not really a horse racing person, but I put the effort in and had a great day out. It has created some amazing memories and will inform the stories we tell at future gatherings, I’m so glad I made the effort to go.

This is a part of my life that does need some work. Socially, I have become lazy. It’s easier to stay in, chill out and watch the TV, but, that doesn’t create memories. We have not had a party at our house for years, we haven’t been to the pictures to watch a film, in ages, and we don’t go to local events, at all really. With a little effort, we could change this, immediately.

Here are my commitments:

  • Select a film to go and see (This month and once a month from there on)
  • Pick an event at the Bournemouth International Centre to go to and agree 2 more for this year
  • Invite people over for a Halloween party (this year)

Well, that was easy!

What area of your life would you like to improve? It doesn’t have to be a major thing but it does need to start with a few small steps, that will make an immediate impact. 

Have fun, life is too short!

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