On Friday I had my second negative CV-19 test. I am getting tested, every week, for 12 weeks so the scientists can build data on asymtamatic transmission of the virus, well at least I think that’s what it’s for. I must admit it’s nice to know I haven’t got the virus and it puts my mind at rest when I visit my Mum and also makes me more confident that the rest of the family don’t have the virus either.
We still follow the rules and do what we are supposed to do, minimise any risks and are hiding away, like most other families. I feel positive about the future and look forward to going on holiday, getting back to work and travelling to office buildings again. I want to socialise and meet up with groups of friends, shake hands and hug people again, simple things.
I feel like we have been in some sort of experiment and have certainly gone through every stage of the change curve, in terms of emotions. I’ve noticed that some people have dealt with this better than others, due to their particular set of circumstances and it’s been horrific for many people. One of my mates tested positive and he was really bad for a while, but fortunately is on the mend now. It did put things into perspective and remind me how ‘real’ this is.
I realised that I was getting obsessed with watching the news and hearing the same things over and over again. It was depressing me a bit and started my day off with a cloud over my head, thinking “when will this end?” I have stopped watching the news so much and have limited it to a morning update and an evening review. It is important to be informed and be aware of potential changes but it can lower the mood if you only listen to the negative stuff.
It was nice to see people having fun in the snow recently, we didn’t get any in Bournemouth so we missed out on snowball fights and building snowmen (snow women as well) but I enjoyed watching the footage, on TV, of the UK having fun. Once again, simple things and making the most of what we can do and being grateful for what we do have.
This week I am fairly free and that gives me time to see my Mum, finish my book, exercise, wash and clean the car and go for a few walks. I’m taking advantage of my spare time, no pressure to do any DIY or learn to play the saxophone, just time to enjoy some simple things.
I hope you have a fantastic week and get the chance to enjoy what you can, it’s not all bad, don’t believe everything you see and hear on the TV.
Look after yourself, stay safe, keep positive and laugh a lot.