Another ‘virtual’ week completed and things are moving along nicely. It has taken a while to move away from holiday mode, into panic mode, followed by chilled mode and now into production mode.
I don’t know about you, but the stages of change have never been so obvious in my life. The initial denial was confirmed by statements such as “It’ll never affect us here” followed by some resistance “It’ll be fine to go to the beach, surely”.
This was then consumed with the realisation that ‘this is happening’ and I need to accept the situation in order to look forward for solutions. The problem, that is making this more difficult, is the uncertainty about the future. There are so many questions but very few real, definitive, answers.
I’m happy to embrace changes and adapt how we do things to comply with the current restrictions. I also feel that this has had a positive impact on our thinking of the fast paced world we have left behind. The main change, possibly, is that we will be more mindful of travel. Can we do things to reduce unnecessary travel? Working from home has been proved to be acceptable for companies, that may have struggled with the concept, in the past.
In my world, I have a feeling we will use online learning to support the delivery of programmes, more than before. People are so comfortable using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, or other systems, and we will get better at delivering short impactful sessions – we have to!
It has certainly been a wake up call for the world, which we probably needed, and it might just prevent us form speeding things up again. We can live longer but maybe not in the full and rich way we should, unless we slow down and enjoy things. Take time to observe and experience the beauty the world has to offer and embrace the potential serenity of nature again.
How many people, do you think, are looking forward to the daily commute to work, the endless meetings, being stuck in traffic or waiting to board a crowded train to get home?
The time has come to get the balance back in our lives.
What changes will you make and what lessons have you learnt from this experience? How are you going to shape your future?