Another week, ticked off, and another couple to get through before we find out more information on how we are going to exit this saga.
I do like to catch up most nights and listen to the updates and hear the reporters questions, although I do find some of them repetitive and slightly negative. At this time we should be sticking together and supporting each other to get through this and return to a prosperous future.
With so many views, thoughts and assumptions being shared, I have to select what I read and what I believe. Theories and unfounded statements from unqualified people are rife in social media, and for what reason? I have friends who are, suddenly, political experts and are not afraid to share their opinions on FaceBook, and I can’t be bothered to read them in full and definitely do not comment.
I couldn’t believe Donald Trump even mentioned injecting disinfectant to cure the CV-19 – it was madness, in full view of the public, but it did put our current reality into perspective for me.
IT COULD BE WORSE FOR US! At least there is some sense coming from our leaders. (Welcome back Boris)
I am confident we will learn a stack of lessons and we could have done things differently but I hope we do it in a positive way. People need to put their hands up, if they have messed up, and feel confident that is ok. We need to learn from this because it will happen again sometime in the future.
So, how are you coping with the influx of conspiracy theories? How do you filter things out to protect your mental health and remain optimistic?
I have found that my structure was starting to become too rigid and began to work against me. My exercise became something I had to do, which was like doing my expenses, a chore. So having some flexibility during the week and giving yourself some slack, is also okay. A mountain bike ride with my Son was okay, instead of a road bike ride, pushing myself to the limits.
So I am enjoying the time again, I am looking for positives and I am remaining mentally strong but it is with the support of my family and friends.
I trust you are also staying strong, using your support network and looking for the positives in your life. Embrace the ‘forced’ rest and use the time to do something positive that you never really had time for.
Have an interesting week and enjoy the rain – I intend to.