
With so much time on my hands I feel like I am not being productive enough and I am at a loss as to what I should do! So, Mark and I decided to do a conference call and discuss how we could approach building the business again.

We talked about key people, marketing strategies, potential work streams coming back into play, after the COVID-19 has been conquered, and also went through our financial situation. It was good to share ideas and look at the positives, what we can do and when we will implement our plans to build the business back up. There is a state of ‘limbo’ which feels strange and creates a degree of uncertainty which, I’d imagine, most of us are experiencing. 

We don’t want to bother people, when they have so much to contend with, but we understand that preparing for the ‘get back to work’ time will come. We believe we can support individuals, teams and organisations to hit the ground running. With some individual support, prior to the restrictions being lifted, helping people set out their plans on how to keep productive and also how to stay strong mentally. 

(If you do think we could support you or your teams, feel free to contact me at and we can arrange to discuss options – we need to get back to work too!)

I am sure companies will have managers connecting with teams and team members, collectively and individually, but the longer this goes on the less productive it can become, if you are not careful. The main thing here is the people and their wellbeing. The business side of things will take care of itself and the ‘bounce back’ will be positive but could also be as stressful, if we are not prepared mentally.

Having a plan on how to launch into a busy life again, might be a struggle for some. Strong, authentic leadership will be needed to get things moving as effectively as possible. Empathy, understanding and support will be vital ingredients for a successful result. Everyone will need different measures of each and will need them delivered at the appropriate time, for them.

Awareness of individual challenges will also be key. Everyone has been affected in a different way, for some it will have been catastrophic and for others it might have been a positive experience re-connecting with loved ones. Are you ready for the challenge?

If you, or your family are classed as an ‘essential service’ and have worked through this time, I’d like to thank you, everything is appreciated, now, more than ever.

We all take things for granted when life is ‘normal’ and when we are okay. We live in a fast paced world and often just expect things to work as they should. Sometimes, when the wheels fall off, we find ourselves at the mercy of others and we need their skills and capabilities to get by. I hope that, after this is over, we remember and learn from the experience and become a better, more forgiving and thankful world.

Have the best week you can.

Stay home – stay alive!

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