Another week completed to get us nearer to the end of COVID-19’s impact. Being positive, every day is a step closer to normality and the return of the routine in our lives. Although I have made a decision to wake whenever I wake, and not set an alarm, there is some structure to my days.
11am is exercise time, for all of us, and we have taken it in turns to pick where we should exercise and what form it takes. That has, itself, given the day some purpose and given us a sense of achievement and satisfaction. I am hoping that, by the time we are back to ‘normal’ we will all be fitter and healthier.
As a family, we have sat and had more dinners together, spent time watching films and also taken time to talk to each other. The dog has been walked more than usual and, probably, wonders what the hell is going on with all the attention he is getting.
It is still frustrating to have all of my work taken out of the diary, after the effort taken to get it in the first place, but I am sure there are others feeling the same, if not worse, so I am still grateful for what I have.
On another note, I find it funny watching people, who are clearly being influenced by their partners, cycling reluctantly behind an enthusiastic cyclist. Runners re-starting, a forced, New Year’s resolution but making the most of their free time.
People are trying to do positive things and it’s having a positive affect on others. My whole family have started exercising because they feel better (afterwards) and it feels like something, worthwhile, has been achieved. I am sure there is more DIY getting started or completed, that normally would have been put off, one more week! Even I have done some painting.
I must admit, I have had a couple times when I wondered how this situation will leave us. The business doesn’t exist if I can’t get in front of groups. I know there is a ‘virtual capability’ and we do have the potential to develop that side of our offering, but I am a big believer in face-to-face communication. It has more impact and flexibility when you can read the mood of a group, re-direct conversations and engage people in discussions, in the moment.
If everything went digital, I think I’d change my job and that is an option I would consider.
With a few more weeks of this new way of living to endure, I am remaining hopeful and positive. I think I will appreciate my previous ‘normal’ more, when it returns.
I trust the week ahead gives you time to reflect and appreciate some of the things we have all taken for granted in the past. Also I hope it has given you some time to connect with friends and family on a deeper level, as it is something that does get lost or forgotten in our busy lives.
There is some good coming out of this experience.
Enjoy what you can, now, and prepare for your future, it might be an exciting new challenge ahead.