
What a fantastic result for Simona Halep and Novak Djokovic winning Wimbledon singles, England for winning the Cricket World Cup and to Lewis Hamilton for winning his sixth British Grand Prix – it was a great weekend for sport.

These are amazing examples of people really pushing themselves to their absolute maximum to achieve their goals. Over the years they would have all experienced losing, coming second, winning, experiencing set backs, getting knocked off the top spot, only to make a come back and be number 1 again. It makes it very interesting to watch, from my sofa drinking a beer!

I wonder how Serena Williams will react to coming second. Will she dust herself off and be at Wimbledon next year? Will Federer retire with grace in or will he ‘go again’?

This determination and motivation to be the best, in sport, is obvious to see but it is all around us and ‘normal’ people are doing amazing things as well. I see people on FaceBook sharing their trials and challenges, on LinkedIn posting about events for charities they are involved with. Everything is stretching, challenging and uncomfortable, for each person. but they commit and engage because they have a real reason to do it.

We can’t all be the top at everything, but we can do our best at everything we get involved with. Being a parent and having a partner, I think, is one of the biggest challenges in life. How can you be the best you can be? How do you juggle life and allocate time in the right places to keep everyone happy? With your kids, when do you say “No” and when do you give them space to make mistakes and grow??

No-one sets out to be rubbish but sometimes we do make mistakes and get knock backs, things don’t turn out how we expect. Life goes on and we have to get back on the bike and join the race again, we have to learn to smile and laugh again and we have to realise there is something out there for us to be proud of – It can take time.

This weekend, for every winner there was also a ‘loser’ but champions learn, retrain and get better for their next challenge. We all do that, to some degree, and we do learn to do something different if we want different results. If you keep getting punched in the face, you have choices!

  • Change your environment
  • Take up something else
  • Mix with different people
  • Duck, bob and weave more – get better

Which areas in your life do you need to put more effort into, to get better results? Have you taken your ‘eye off the ball’ in certain areas?

Pick one thing you want to change / improve in your life. What can you do, to take your first step forward to getting it sorted?

The first step is often is not taken, because we are our biggest barrier! If you want things to be better, or you want to be better, you are the person to sort it out!

Failure is temporary, success is just around the corner!

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