
Having woken this morning to the news that Boris and his partner had an argument over the weekend, was hilarious. What levels do people go to, to service their own needs? I wonder how many other arguments there were, all over the world, that evening, that were not reported.

It does throw up the thought that every move we make, is monitored and each behaviour communicates a variety of messages, depending on how it is viewed. With no real motive or evidence, I see this as a normal argument, others see it as a potential abuse incident and, frankly, others just ignore the noise!

For Boris, it could be a game changer and, the fact that he could lose the confidence of some voters, may mean his future will change dramatically. Everyone sees things in a different way, depending on their view of the situation and their biases. If you are pro Boris then it is nothing but a stupid thing, to have happen, at this stage of the ‘game’ and he really should know better. If you are pro Jeremy, then this is fuel to add to the argument that Boris is a loose cannon and should not be trusted.

The question is “Who is right?” Only time will tell….

Communication is something that we do all of the time, you cannot, not communicate! When you walk into a room everyone knows whether to speak to you or not. When you greet someone in the street, they know if you were sincere, or not. As humans we are amazing at sending messages, but, do we always send the right message or do we sometimes communicate something slightly different?

In businesses, leaders all over the world are trying to communicate messages and, often, cracks appear / differences are noticed when the guard is down or ‘behind closed doors’. Informal ‘water cooler’ conversations let out real thoughts or feelings and can damage the brand slightly. A joke or ‘off the cuff’ comment can destroy trust immediately between people and can turn the switch from LIKE to do NOT LIKE.

That is why authentic leaders do well. They are who they are, and there is a common thread of decency woven in to their DNA. They do the right things for the right reasons and take people on the journey with them. You just want to be behind their every move and go the extra mile for them, when ever needed.

I am not sure I’m feeling the love at the moment, for either candidate, because they are not communicating the right message in a consistent, authentic manner – I don’t trust them!

What messages are you sending out? How would people describe you, if asked, and is that what you want them to say?

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