I had a walk down the beach at the weekend and stopped for a coffee along the front. I was doing the normal thing of ‘people watching’ that we all tend to do when we are out on our own. I left the phone alone and just watched what was going on.
It was great to see people enjoying themselves, even though the weather was not so great.There were couples braving the wind and rain, people hiding in the pub until the weather calmed down a bit and then there were the dog owners!
Out on the beach throwing sticks and balls for their dogs to fetch. Some just staying on the sand and the other, mad, crazy dogs diving into the sea to fetch what ever their, equally mad, crazy owner had launched into the cold, choppy water.
Dogs are great, they are always happy with whatever attention they get and they just get on with life. I took my dog to the vets for his inoculations and he just sat there, got weighed, prodded and then had an injection – he didn’t even notice it, he just loved the attention from the vet.
Sometimes I wish it was easier to be like that. We have so much going on to process, think about and consider in our lives. Decisions to make every second of the day and it’s even tougher if you have a partner, children, family and friends to factor in. I really understand why people have spa days, breaks away or even enter strange events to take their mind off things / engage the brain on something else.
I think it’s so important to take time out and look after yourself. Everyone needs a ‘dog day’ where you just appreciate all of the things around you, being with others and getting attention.
No thinking, deliberating, or talking about serious stuff, just enjoying the moment. It should always end with an afternoon nap on the sofa and a good hearty meal before chilling out for the evening!
When did you last take time out for you? Are you due for a short break or even just a ‘dog day’?