
Back to reality, with a bump!

After 16 days out of the business I found myself struggling to get back into work mode. I don’t know how it is for you, but this is the first time I had a problem and I think it was because I had a longer break than normal. I do think I could get use to not working though…

The week started with an early coaching session, which went well, although, I’d have preferred to be the one being coached I think, as I probably needed to re-focus. I then proceeded to put loads of ‘stuff’ off, procrastinated and made excuses not to do things. I basically spent the day looking busy, doing nothing.

Have you ever done that?

Day 2, back from holiday, I had to get my head into things. There was material to go through for a couple of sessions I was delivering that week, so no excuses. I set the home office up properly, put my notes and lists in front of me and gave myself a kick start with a coffee. I can’t say I was 100% but, as it was a planning day, I got away with it and no-one else noticed my lack of concentration and self-distraction throughout the day.  

Later in the week, the ‘delivery days’ went well, even though I was still wishing I was back by the pool enjoying a beer in the sun.  

As the next real break is Christmas I feel I need something in between to motivate me, just something to look forward to, so, I have booked a short break away to Berlin in October – just long enough to take a breath and enjoy life.

As I am a person who loves my job, I can only wonder what it would be like if I didn’t like what I do for a living. How would it be, after a holiday, to return to something I didn’t enjoy doing? I can only imagine how tough that would be.

As a father of 4, I try to encourage my children to work hard but to try and find something that pays the bills and they enjoy. It’s tough to tick both of those boxes, although, I think we encourage a more entrepreneurial mind-set nowadays, so running your own business is quite normal. The risks are obvious but the benefits are also obvious, it just takes some hard work, focus and determination.

The security of a job also has it’s benefits and offers some comfort to pay bills and live life but if you are unhappy it can be a slog.

It is all about choice though. Choice of what you do, when you do it and, if you don’t like things, you have the choice to change it, or not.

If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re probably right……Henry Ford

Personally, I believe if you want something enough, you will achieve it.

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