
All of last week I was out supporting a project for a client. It was another ‘full on’ week with a mixture of delivery, facilitation and coaching. 

Normally, this is quite a tough week with personalities playing out and emotions rising high, in certain circumstance. The challenges are designed to stretch the groups in a variety of different ways, where some delegates are comfortable and others are not, for one activity, and then the roles reverse in other activities.

We, the facilitators, observe behaviours throughout the week and deliver feedback on our observations with a 1-1 session at the tail end of the week.

This week I had the best group of people who worked well together, supported each other and also challenged each other to take on more uncomfortable roles. At the end of each day we had a wrap up and all I needed to say was “Do exactly what you did today, tomorrow, with a few tweaks!”

Each day got better and, for me, it was like having a week on holiday, doing the things I like to do.

The real lesson for me was how different this week has been to previous weeks, with different groups. It only takes one strong personality to dramatically change the whole week.

Other facilitators left exhausted after a week of mediation, feedback and difficult conversations. They had to put real effort in to make the week successful for their groups. The minute two people have an emotional conflict, the divide starts to appear and the team becomes dysfunctional. The skill of a leader, manager or colleague, to build a group back into a high performing team, is vital.

If you get it wrong, it can and will impact performance and your ultimate results.

The things that stood out for me about my high performing team, through my observations was that they:

  • Listened to each other
  • They were interested in each other
  • Supported each other
  • Trusted each other
  • Cared for each other
  • Challenged everyone to be their best
  • Took turns in leading the group through tasks
  • Recognised each others strengths and used them appropriately 
  • Shared their weaknesses and asked for help to develop them

They were a productive, efficient and a nice set of people to be around. It takes hard work to make things look that easy.

When you look around you and your teams of people (Work, family or friends) what do you notice? Out of the list above, what is the strength in your team and what is missing?

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