Last week I sent the MM out at a different time. I wish I could say that it was an experiment to see who noticed, but in all honesty, I had run out of time at the weekend, so hadn’t prepared as I normally do.
I didn’t give it much thought until a couple of the delegates, attending another session with us, mentioned that they had received the MM later than normal and it had surprised them as they normally use it as a wake up call..
It doesn’t take much to make people feel valued or appreciated but it can have an amazing impact on performance. Happy people are, probably, more resilient and go the extra mile because they want to.
In many businesses, I have visited, I experienced differences in how people perform and how that links directly to how valued they feel or even how happy they are, it affects their engagement.
Does your business create an environment that supports employee wellbeing? Do you make sure that the people, around you, feel appreciated?
I know that, sometimes, I take my wife and family for granted and often forget to thank them for the things they do. It does take some thought to do it as often as I should, especially in my busy head!
Saturday night we went to watch a Pink Floyd tribute band play at the BIC (In Bournemouth). I have to say, it took effort to go out of the house at 6:30pm, having to get showered and changed, and it would have been easier to stay in, in my PJ’s and watch TV, but we went.
I am so glad we made the effort as we all enjoyed the evening and it was nice to get out and do something different. Although my wife is not really in to Pink Floyd, she appreciated the night out. We laughed, held hands and laughed some more, which was great.
We have agreed to do something at least once a month, that we wouldn’t normally do and just spend some time enjoying life. Sandra is choosing the next event and, to be honest, I don’t care what it is, I’m sure we will have fun together.
Value and appreciation is not just something we need to be aware of at work, it’s also important we remember to take the time and make the effort to show it with the people that support us every day and, sometimes, we do forget to notice…..
Who do you need to spend some time with this week?
I must admit it felt great to realise that people do take the time to browse over my, sometimes random, thoughts and reflections.
It made me feel like I was affecting the beginning of their week and in a positive way.