
On TV last week, I watched a man filling up buckets with water, from his front room floor. There had been a big rain fall and his house ended up with water up to six feet deep. You could see the marks where the water had reached and, as you can imagine, his place was a mess.

While he was being interviewed I couldn’t believe how positive he was. He just got on with the clear up and was thankful that everyone was safe and sound.

He said “You don’t have to look too far to find someone who is worse off than me, so let’s get this tidied up and move on.”

I thought that was brilliant and he dealt with something, less than positive, in a great way.

I am not sure I could have been as ‘chipper!’

Some people have the knack of always looking for the positive in life and I find these people a joy to be around. They energise me and give me a boost to do things in my life. Then you meet someone who notices, and points out, all of the things that are wrong, not quite right and out of place. These people drain the life out of me. I can’t stand being around the negative energy and avoid them as often as possible.

Some people are ‘career moaners’ and thrive on bringing doom and gloom to everyone they connect with. You can feel the mood change when they walk in the room and you can notice the difference when they are not present. Why do we put up with it? Who do you know that is always moaning about life and never appreciates anything? 

I love the contrast that life offers you, so the appreciation of positivity is, probably, better having experienced negativity!

With all that said and done, if we overplay any strength it can become a weakness. Being positive all the time can be overbearing and annoying, because, sometimes things are not that great – I think I would have moaned if my house was 6 foot under water!

A ‘good old moan’ can be cathartic and ease the pain, but only in small doses! I prefer to go for a run or go to the gym to release any negative tension and this makes a big difference to my mood, which, I suppose is good for all of those around me.

I also use other people to raise my mood, positive, happy people re-energise me so I might just call someone and chat for a while.

What is your strategy, how do you snap out of a bad mood?

So, if I call you and just start moaning, I may be ‘asking’ for help to clear negative emotions. Please take the time to listen, be interested and offer support, it’ll be the best thing to get me back on track…..

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