You have to love life and the contrast we can experience. I mean one minute I can feel under pressure and tense and the next minute I am relaxed, laughing and having a great time.
I delivered some work last week with a client, that I really enjoyed. It was effortless as the group was engaged and the conversations were driven by them, with little or no input from me.
A complete constrast to the week before, where I was working hard, cognitively, and my brain hurt!
Having the contrast helped me appreciate last week more and I enjoyed the change, it energised me.
It’s like most things in life, you have to experience stress to enjoy comfort
For example, when I first began delivering in front of delegates, I’d be slightly anxious if there was more than 12 people in the room. After a while that raised to 15, 20 and now I am comfortable with any number, as long as the subject matter is mine and the environment is set up properly. Best man speeches are still a challenge though!
There is a risk that if we don’t continue to challenge ourselves the comfort zone decreases again and certain tasks can become uncomfortable where they were easy before. It’s a bit like training in the gym, you build strength, stamina or power but if you stop for too long, you have to start at the beginning again. The good thing is that the body adapts quickly and, once it recognises that this is a familiar place, the gains are quick to return.
It is important to take a break from the challenges and take time to relax, recover and re-energise. The contrast makes a healthy balance.
I know many people in business who thrive under pressure and love the constant challenge. Long days, short nights, high targets, and loads of meetings! But eventually it takes it’s toll and the affects become obvious. The bags under the eyes, the constant frown and look of worry, the rushed conversations and impatience to get things done. It takes 2 days to ‘let go’ when they go on holiday and 2 days before they return to work, they are already processing their week ahead back in the business.
Not great!, If this sounds like you, what can you do to get your respite, recover and get ready to go again? Here are some things I would recommend:
- Be aware – when it comes to stress, it creeps up on you so check out your moods and look in the mirror for some feedback.
- Take action – ignoring the signs, is a big mistake, take steps to deal with it and treat yourself to some time out.
- Ask for help – a lot of people are too proud and feel it is a sign of weakness where in fact it demonstrates strength to put your hand up and ask for support.
- Look after the people around you – it may not be you that’s stressed out. Notice others and take time to be interested in them.
- Remove some stressors – take away things that stress you out, if you can. Identify negative things and avoid them or get rid of them from your life.
If life feels too easy for you, then learn a new skill. Possibly a new language, learn to play a musical instrument, do something that adds to your life, something you enjoy, and it challenges you in a nice way!