
I finally cut the lawn!

I had tried to mow the lawn about a week ago but the lawnmower broke (belt came off) and I couldn’t be bothered to try and undo the 5000 bolts to get to it! 

So I left it a week before I looked at the broken mower and Sandra had started to undo the damn bolts. It wasn’t long before I joined in and we finally had the thing stripped down – with a couple of bits snapped off due to my excitement at getting close to the problem belt

I held the belt triumphantly in my hand and said “Now what?” It was obvious that we could no longer repatriate the parts of this machine, in the right order, especially the broken bits!

Suddenly, the strimmer appeared from the shed and Sandra kicked into action. As for me, well….. the rugby was just about to start! I gave Sandra some encouragement from the kitchen window, whilst I made a coffee, but she was in the zone, rubbing her aching back now and then. It did look like hard work!

About 30 minutes later I went out and picked up the rake, gathered some grass into a pile and went back in to catch up on the game. I could sense the mood was changing though, a chill hit the air and it felt like someone was staring at me through the brick walls. I have experienced this before so knew exactly what to do.

I went next door………and borrowed their lawn mower (I did think about having a beer or two there. It was warmer!) I went back home and into the garden, and cut the ‘shorter’ lawn whilst Sandra packed the strimmer away. I think I just about got away with it and did enough to save my bacon. 

Gardening does not inspire me or motivate me but I do have to say that it did give me a sense of satisfaction seeing it nice and tidy after months of neglect. I have dragged my heels and put it off for so long the task was becoming bigger and bigger and made it harder to get started.

Eventually the pain of not doing something became greater that the pleasure of watching the rugby and I helped out. Sometimes I do need a nudge to get me into action, especially with things I don’t particularly like doing.

I am sure I am not alone, when it comes to this, and we all have things that we don’t particularly like to do, so we need motivating to get on with it. Leaving it for months and putting things off can make it so much worse and harder work when we eventually do something.

Here is a tip – JFDI – it took me ages to understand that concept!

If you need motivating this Monday morning there are many things you can do but, just in case you need external support, here is a cheesy motivational message for you: (Click here)

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