
With Christmas finished and the New Year festivities over, it is time to put some thought into 2017.

New Years resolutions with some purpose and planning, is what I am thinking.

I must admit, I do get a little bored when people tell me about the things they will try to do differently this year, such as “I’ll try to go to the gym more” or I’ll try and be healthier” maybe even “I’ll try to be happier”

None of these really ever happen and, within a month, things revert to normal and the excuses start to materialise. “I just haven’t had time” or “I’m too busy” and possibly “I’ll start next week”

Talk with no intent = nothing, just talk!

So, what are your plans? What is it you’d like to achieve this year?

I know for me personally, I have set the business targets and now need to look at other things. I have, and always do, have some fitness targets / events that I book ahead – just to keep me active. So it’s other things I need to look at such as education, personal development or even relationships. 

It could be the year of ‘friends’ and I connect and visit (face-to-face) as many friends as possible, instead of superficially connecting via social media because “I just don’t have the time”.

I like the idea of learning something useful and getting an additional qualification, but what is it that would inspire me to study again?

Maybe I could learn to do DIY and work on the house more. Fix the things that need fixing, put some TLC into the decoration and, possibly, sort the garden out, ready for the Summer.

Nope! I’m not doing any of that. I can’t be bothered, that’s the truth! At least you know I won’t be doing those things, so you don’t have to wonder how I’m getting on with them.

This is what I will do:

  • Reduce waste – we throw so much stuff away, including food, so I will devise a new system
  • Reduce alcohol intake – I drink too much so that is a health risk I will address (My only real sin!)
  • Reduce non-essential time on social media
  • Reduce the amount of TV I watch in the evenings and use the time to read books

I know I am using negative language and they don’t sound SMART so I will be a bit more specific and put a positive action plan together to measure my success. I know for a fact that if I manage a 10% improvement, in each of these areas, I will experience a positive difference.

Small steps to make small gains which make me feel good. In turn, the knock on effect will cascade into other areas of my life like a ripple on water spreading across a lake. They may actually inspire me to study for a qualification, learn to do some ‘good quality’ DIY and even spend more time with my friends!

From small acorns…..

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