
Last week, sitting at Amsterdam airport, having finished delivering a 2-day management skills module, I watched people. 

I was there early enough to enjoy a pint and something to eat, whilst making some really interesting observations.

As you can imagine there were people rushing from place to place, hurrying along to meet transfers or to ‘just’ catch their flights. Panic etched on their faces with angry voices motivating partners to get a move on.

I did have to laugh, although we have all been there and it is not a pleasant feeling, it is still funny when it’s not you!

Opposite me on the table was someone, on their phone, obviously having a difficult business call regarding talent within their company and who to ‘let go’ due to the new company structure. You could  see the pressure and tension building, and, I could almost feel his blood pressure rising. I felt his pain.

My attention was then drawn to the ‘not so stressed’ people in the airport. I searched for smiles and happy people. The ones casually strolling along, holding hands with their partners, enjoying the atmosphere and experience. How wonderful to be in their shoes.

I felt my tensions drift away, sat back and took a mouthful of extra cold beer……ahhhh!

The difference for me is interesting. Everyone is there to catch a flight to somewhere, so we have so much in common, but have such a diverse experience. It could be down to bad planning, external influences, targets and deadline, who knows. I just know that I prefer the relaxed experience, I prefer to enjoy what I am doing and I prefer to experience the ‘here and now’.

I can imagine that, for some in the airport, the memory will be just a blur, probably to be repeated again soon. For others it could be time to catch up on the emails and free up the important time at home, when they eventually arrive.

I used my time to switch off from work, relax and ‘de-frag’ my brain – I needed space where I didn’t have to think too much.

How do you decompress? What things do you do to get into the right frame of mind after a few tough days at work? 

For me, I can’t rely on doing it at the weekends, as there is not enough time. I have to get into a mentally ‘good place’ every day, otherwise the energy drains from my body and impacts everyone I connect with. It could be tense for everyone involved, which is not what I want and I am certain no-one else does either.

My last 8 miles from home is a big help. I drive with the radio off, I think of home and my family, and I prepare to be ‘Mr Family Man’ again, which seems to have a positive impact. It is a process where i raise my awareness of my stress levels, what’s playing on my mind, and I ‘park things.

What process do you have? Is there an area in your life that needs some ‘defraging’?

Here is a web site that gives some great advice: click here

1 thing can make a difference – remember “Aggregated marginal gains?” Change a load of small, easy to apply things, and watch as results improve.

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