For the last couple of weeks I have experienced a ‘technical glitch’ with the Monday Motivator, meaning I couldn’t load pictures and create the message I wanted to. So, as you do, I called the service provider and asked what was going on and could they fix it ASAP – please.
We emailed back and forth, tried different solutions but none of them worked. Today I got email offering another option whilst we sort this out and I thought “He asked me to try another computer, a week ago, but I forgot to do that”
So, today I was on another computer and it suddenly came into my head to try it. Guess what? It worked
What a plonker, why hadn’t I tried this earlier?
I must admit, he did ask me to try a load of other, more technical things first, but they didn’t work, so why would this? I think I got caught up in the detail, thought the problem was at their end and left them to it.
So, a big lesson for me this week – do as you are asked and try the simple, most obvious thing first.
I wonder how often that happens. How much time, effort and money goes on problem solving, when a simple fix is right there in front of your nose? People in all industries must get bogged down with the massive amount of data / communications that we email, so no wonder things get missed or even dismissed at times.
For me, a simple sentence (that I read but overlooked) had the real answer.
Now all I have to do is find out why this doesn’t work on my other computer when it has for years! Time for a new computer don’t you think?
That must be the simple answer, surely!