When do we get too old to dream? I mean when do we grow out of wishing for the bigs things in life and just accept what we have, or don’t have?
I saw this video on FaceBook last week and it is so true. It’s really short so please have a quick look:
Click here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ4sIo3UZfw
I have met many people that have just given up. They have given up on their dreams and aspirations and are accepting life as it is.
They may moan and grumble now and then about life and the things in their lives, but, they do nothing to change things.
I know that I can find myself being unhappy with certain things, especially when I see someone who ‘apparently’ has what I want. The thing is, am I prepared to do what it takes to get it?
I find myself using time as the main excuse for many failings in my life. “I just didn’t have time to fit it in. I’m so busy with other things” The reality is that I probably don’t want it, enough, as I am not prepared to put the effort in to achieve it.
There is an acronym for this C.B.A – Can’t be arsed…
I’d like to play the guitar but I C.B.A – It’s too much like hard work
I’d like to go mountain climbing this year but I C.B.A – to fit it in around other things
I’d like to eat a healthier diet but I C.B.A to make the changes and spend time cooking better things
The real truth is that, if we want something enough, we will make time, put the effort in and prioritise things. I love the challenging question that Idris poses – “You are still growing, what do you want to be when you’ve grown up?”
It doesn’t matter what age you are, there is always something to do, be better at or achieve. Something that may not evolve around money or material things, just something to develop / improve.
What skill would you like to get better at? If you made a commitment for the next 2 years to practise something, what could you achieve?
It could be learning foreign language, maybe learn to cook great meals or even learn some DIY skills.
We are never too old to learn and grow, what’s stopping you? Time or C.B.A?
I am thinking of something, to focus on and develop, for a 2-year project. What could yours be?