
After another busy week I managed to claw back some time to spend with friends and family on Friday and over the weekend. I did a few things around the house, that have needed doing for some time, rearranged some plants in the garden and I managed to do a short training session in the gym. The car got a well needed wash and I even had time to watch my Son play football followed by some football on TV.

As my wife is in retail, and the sales have started, she got a bit busy and worked Saturday and Sunday so we caught up in the evenings with a glass of wine and a beer. All in all, it was a nice weekend and I feel re-energised ready for the week ahead. 

Sometimes I try to fit too much in at the weekends and end up being fairly stressed on the Monday and not in a great ‘state of mind’ when it comes to focussing on work related tasks. It can then lead to a bit of procrastination, avoidance and lethargy – not productive at all! I think this is the same for us all, and if we are not careful,  it gets too much and we end up with no time to do anything, really well.

It takes effort and discipline to create space to do activities that energise you. I feel happy after doing things that I have been meaning to do, but have put off. Simple jobs around the house that need to be ticked off, that no-one even realises have been done sometimes, just make me feel good. Frustration sets in when I can’t get something done due to the weather or because I am waiting for someone else to turn up and finish the final part of a project. (I’m still waiting for the builders to seal the patio slabs ????)

But…I can’t control the weather so I just have to be patient and wait, which is something I can struggle with, at times. 

While I was working with a client last week, we covered the importance of setting SMART goals and creating SMART action plans. and it got me thinking about my own goals. If you are like me, I tend to set goals for certain areas of my of life, such as business, personal, health and wellbeing, hobbies and activities. This gives me a rounded approach to help me balance my life and pay attention to, what I consider, the important things, right now. 

I was talking to my son (Jack) about planning for the future and building 5 streams of income to ensure financial success. This was something my Dad talked to me about, when I was young, but I didn’t take much notice of.  Now I find myself wondering about my pension and the quality of life as I get older – what will it be like? What do I need to do to make sure we have a great life as we get older? These are the goals I am setting, along side the rest, but I should have done this 35 years ago!

So, Cloe, Jack and Edward, if you read this today, start planning, setting goals and secure your future. Now is the time to start, not when you are nearly 60…

If you are reading this thinking “I’ll get around to it one day” that day never comes and before you know it, the years have flown by and it still hasn’t been planned.

Plan NOW for you future, it 

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