It’s my wife and Daughters Birthday today. 23 years ago Cloe appeared and my wife has shared this special day ever since. It has changed the dynamics over the years and meant we all had to adapt how we celebrate each milestone. Sandra’s 30th and 40th and Cloe’s 16th, 18th and 21st all required a juggling act and sometimes compromises.
Sandra is like most Mum’s (I’d imagine) and puts herself second on every Birthday. She focuses on making sure Cloe feels celebrated, sometimes at the cost of her own celebration. My job, on this day, has been to make sure Sandra feels valued and loved at the same time. It is easier now-a-days with all of the kids being old enough to buy their own gifts and cards so, with a gentle reminder and possible a financial contribution, we have succeeded again this year.
CV-19 really shone a light on the importance of being adaptable and more respectful of differences. The pandemic has given us many positive lessons, especially about what’s important in life and how we have, maybe, forgotten some of the really important things. Gifts are ok, but there is nothing better than spending time together, enjoying quality conversations and connecting again. I know more about my family, what’s going on, what’s good and what is not so good, and, I feel we are closer for it.
We had challenges, like everyone else, and we argued, cried, but we also laughed a lot more. The times of reflective silence were embraced instead of being filled with meaningless noise and I feel we all took time to breathe and enjoy the universe, being present in the moment.
We are returning to some semblance of ‘normality’ but it is a new normal. Things have moved into a different space, with no return on the cards, we have changed forever! I like some of it and I need to get my head around some of it, but all in all we are on an upward trajectory again. I’m looking forward to celebrating and enjoying the next 23+ Birthdays with my wife and my Daughter sharing their special day. I hope that is something I can have an influence on.
I hope you also take time to appreciate your special moments. Time flies, things change so grab every piece of joy and happiness that you can.
Happy Birthday Sandra & Cloe xxx
Have an amazing week.